How do I record my Blackboard Collaborate Ultra room/session(s) and deploy the recordings?


Recording with Blackboard Collaborate Ultra

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is a virtual classroom that can be enable and deployed in your organization or course shell. 

Prefered browser for Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is Google Chrome!

By default Blackboard Collaborate Ultra has one course room, but the ability to create multiple sessions.  You have the ability to "Record" any Collaborate Ultra session .  The process is documented below.

  1. Log into Blackboard

  2. Select:
    Course Management > Control Panel > Course Tools > Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
    Organization Management > Control Panel > Organization Tools > Blackboard Collaborate Ultra

  3. Select "Join Room" to join the course room or click on the name of the session you wish to join
  4. Select the Course Room menu at the top left of your screen (as shown below) and choose "Start Recording"

  5. When done with your session select the same manu and select "Stop Recording"

  6. Your recording will post within 24hrs and there is NO limit in length

  7. To access your recordings in the Blackboard Course / Organization shell selet:
    Course Management > Control Panel > Course Tools > Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
    Organization Management > Control Panel > Organization Tools > Blackboard Collaborate Ultra

  8. Click on the Collaborate Ultra "Menu" and select "Recordings"

  9. You can access options to Watch, Download, Delete or Copy the recording by using the recording menu to the right of the title (small circle with 3 horizontal dots - shown below)

*Issues or questions reach out to Talent Development.



  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2019
  • Views 5981
  • Answered By Stephanie Atkins

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  1. I didn't know any of this
    by barb on Jul 18, 2017