Can I set all assignment due dates in my class at the same time?
Setting Assignment Due Dates
"Set Grade Center Due Dates" is a building block added to the Blackboard Learn sysstem, that allows you to set all assignment due dates from a single screen.
To Enable this Feature:
- Login to Blackboard using your employee ID (as the username) and password.
- Click on the "Welcome Page" tab and select a course from the "My Courses" area.
- Locate Course Management within the Side Navigation Menu, Select Control Panel > Customization > Tool Availability.
- Scroll down the list to "G" - Grade Center Due Dates and ensure that the box in the Available column is checked.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Submit button.
To Use this Feature:
- Locate Course Management within the Side Navigation Menu, Select Control Panel > Course Tools > Set Grade Center Due Dates.
- Click the calendar icon to select the assignment due date and repeat for each item you want to assign a due date.
- After entering the due dates, click the Submit button.
The default time assigned for each set due date will be 11:59pm (i.e., assignment due on 12/11/2012 at 11:59pm). Different times can be assigned to each individual assignment from within the Class Materials area.
Date Management
See the link below for a slightly different option from Blackboard called Date Management. A good complementary tool.