Can I set all assignment due dates in my class at the same time?


Setting Assignment Due Dates

"Set Grade Center Due Dates" is a building block added to the Blackboard Learn sysstem, that allows you to set all assignment due dates from a single screen.

To Enable this Feature:

  1. Login to Blackboard using your employee ID (as the username) and password.
  2. Click on the "Welcome Page" tab and select a course from the "My Courses" area.
  3. Locate Course Management within the Side Navigation Menu, Select Control Panel > Customization > Tool Availability.
  4. Scroll down the list to "G" - Grade Center Due Dates and ensure that the box in the Available column is checked.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Submit button.

To Use this Feature:

  1. Locate Course Management within the Side Navigation Menu, Select Control Panel > Course Tools > Set Grade Center Due Dates.

  2. Click the calendar icon to select the assignment due date and repeat for each item you want to assign a due date.

  3. After entering the due dates, click the Submit button.

The default time assigned for each set due date will be 11:59pm (i.e., assignment due on 12/11/2012 at 11:59pm). Different times can be assigned to each individual assignment from within the Class Materials area.

Date Management

See the link below for a slightly different option from Blackboard called Date Management.  A good complementary tool.


  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2019
  • Views 6455
  • Answered By Help Desk Help Desk

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