How do I do a course copy?


Copying Course Content from one Class to Another

SOURCE CLASS = Class with the materials you want to copy. 

DESTINATION CLASS = Class where you want to copy the materials to.

Instructors may copy content from one class shell into another shell. These procedures assume that you have been assigned to a "destination" class by your Academic Department.  The destination shell is where you wish to copy the content to.

NOTE: A person must have "instructor-like" permissions in the source class, so they can push the course content into the destination shell.  Ask the instructor of the source class to enroll you as a course copier with the course copy role.  View these instruction on how to add/enroll someone in a class shell. The course copy role will present a student-like view of the source class shell.

Complete the following steps to copy course content:

Prior to copying content, we recommend completing a bulk delete in the Destination Class. View these instructions on how to bulk delete information from a class.

  1. Enter the control panel of the SOURCE CLASS you wish to copy and select the Packages and Utilities menu option on the lower left of the Control Panel, then select Course Copy.

  2. Click Browse to select the DESTINATION CLASS.

  3. On the Courses screen, type the class number of the DESTINATION CLASS.

  4. Click the Search button.
  5. Click the radial button of the DESTINATION CLASS; this is where you’d like the copied
    content to appear.

  6. Click Submit.

  7. The DESTINATION COURSE ID automatically appears in the Destination Course ID field.
  8. Click the "Select All" button to copy all of the course content, or select the check boxes next to all content you wish to copy. 

    NOTE: Always select Settings.

    If you have tests and assignments you are copying, be sure to select Grade Center
    Columns and Settings and also select Tests, Surveys, and Pools.

  9. Section 3 can be left in the default settings.
  10. NEVER select the Include Enrollments in the Copy! This function is handled via the system integrations with PeopleSoft.

  11. Click Submit.

    This process may take just a few minutes or up to 30 minutes. Please allow ample time for the copy to complete before you check the destination course for copied content. If you repeat these steps for the same class, the content will duplicate.

Additional information on course copies in Blackboard


  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2019
  • Views 1425
  • Answered By Help Desk Help Desk

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