How to Enter the LAST DATE OF ATTENDANCE for a Student in Grade Center?


Blackboard Grade Center Extract to PeopleSoft:


Students’ last date of attendance (related to a failing grade) can be transferred from Blackboard Learn to PeopleSoft.  This data is needed by the Financial Aid Office.  The alignment of this column should be that it is placed to the RIGHT of the "PSGRADE" column in the GradeBook.

Complete the following steps to set this functionality up within your class shells:

  1. Log into your Blackboard class shell and navigate to Course Management > Grade Center > Full Grade Center
  2. Click on the “Create Column” button and fill out the fields as follows:
    a. Column Name = “LAST DATE OF ATTENDANCE" (must be in all caps)
    b. Primary Display = “TEXT
    c. Points Possible = “0” (zero)
    d. Include this Column in Grade Center Calculations = “No
    e. Show this Column to Students = “No"
    f. Click “Submit
    g. Leave the rest of the fields as they are with their default values.

  3. Please DO NOT set the "LAST DATE OF ATTENDANCE" as the "External Grade" column.
  4. The "PSGRADE column MUST stay to the LEFT of the "Last Date of Attendance" column otherwise dates will NOT post properly.  For instructions on managing column organization please Click Here.

Items to Note Regarding this Process:

  1. Valid value to enter in the LAST DATE OF ATTENDANCE column is as follows:
    a. Date format equal to "yyyymmdd" (all other formats will NOT work)!

    The grading process in Blackboard runs for the term only.  If you try to post your grade in Blackboard after the term has eneded the grades will NOT post correctly into PeopleSoft and you will have to FINALIZE the grades in PeopleSoft.  Use the "Grade Students" link below.

Beginning summer 2014, Enrollment Services is requiring the Last Date of Attendance to be entered into PeopleSoft when assigning a grade of “F.”  This can be accomplished by creating a Last Date of Attendance Column in Blackboard, or by entering the grade and last date of attendance directly into PeopleSoft. This column is also available in the PeopleSoft grading pages. These new fields only need to be filled out when assigning a grade of “F.”

NWTC does not require instructors to take attendance; however, the U.S. Department of Education requires the Financial Aid Office to determine if a student who receives financial aid and fails to earn a passing grade in a course has actually attended and/or completed. The Last Date of Attendance will be used to calculate the portion of financial aid that must be returned to the Department of Education when a student fails to earn a passing grade in a course. Having the last date of attendance may help reduce the amount a student will owe back to the Department of Education.

Last date of attendance can be defined as:

  • Physically attending a class
  • Logging into online course with active participation
  • Submitting an academic assignment
  • Taking an exam, an interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction
  • Contacting the instructor inquiring about course related material

Alternate Process for "LAST DATE OF ATTENDANCE" via PeopleSoft:

Change Grade Changes

Add Grade Students

  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2019
  • Views 1635
  • Answered By Stephanie Atkins

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